12,July 2013       CANADA      NEWS

**Harper’s office a barrage of emails, expressing outrage at the spending habits of senators and urging that the upper chamber be abolished. The emails were obtained by the Star from the Privy Council Office under Access to Information. They include a five day period in February plus two more days in May after it became public that Harper’s then-chief of staff, Nigel Wright, had given Duffy a personal gift of $90,172. The Senate spending controversy broke early this year around living expenses claimed by then Conservative Senators Mike Duffy and Patrick Brazeau and Mac Harb, a former Liberal, And the controversy continues to unfold now that the RCMP has launched their own investigation. There are also separate ethics probes underway as well. Canadian taxpayers want to hear is that action is being taken.**

**K+S Potash Canada has signed a deal with Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (TSX:CP) to ship potash from its Legacy mine in Saskatchewan. Canadian Pacific offers an excellent logistics service and we are looking forward to this long-term partnership, said Ulrich Lamp, president and CEO of K+S Potash Canada, a unit of the German fertilizer giant K+S Group. The Legacy mine, currently under construction, is expected to start production by the end of 2016, ramping up to two million tonnes per year in 2017 and reaching full capacity of 2.86 million tonnes by 2023. Canadian Pacific plans to build an exclusive rail spur to provide direct access to the Legacy site, northwest of Regina.**

12,July 2013       US   NEWS

**According to news agencies Snowden has asked Russia for political asylum and a special request to the human rights organizations that the United States does not interfere in the process, Currently in Moscow airport.**

**The Food and Drug Administration is setting a new limit on the level of arsenic allowed in apple juice, after more than a year of public pressure from consumer groups worried about the contaminant’s effects on children. Nationwide, apple juice is second only to orange juice in popularity, according to industry groups. The FDA has monitored arsenic in apple juice for decades and has long said the levels are not dangerous to consumers, in particular small children who favor fruit juice.**

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